UX/UI Web Designer

      Job type :    Contract (Renewal)
      Duration :    6 months
      Nationality :    Thai
      Urgent Level :    Very Urgent
      Job Location :    Aree BTS
      Seat :    2
      Job Description :
- Design product (both website and mobile application screens) that is easy and pretty to use and navigate
- Ensure that the graphic is visually communicate and make sense
- Think out of the box: Optimize design to achieve goals
- Conduct testing to validate ideas

      Qualification :
- Male / Female, Age not over 35 years old
- Bachelor Degree in related fields
- Strong analytical skill, good at logic, pay attention to the details
- Has more than 2 years’ experience in website or app design
- Good command of Photoshop, Illustrator, Firework, or one of photo editing tool
- Understand front end web coding (HTML, CSS, java script)
- Familiar with wire framing and mock up tools
- Understand User testing, A/B testing, usability testing concept. Having experience conducting such test will be a plus
- Know how to use analytic tools to measure goal
- Good communication skill